BLB News
Hold Your Horses - Potential Changes in Unwinding a Super Fund Borrowing
Until recently it was a given that if a self managed superannuation fund repaid all their loan they would need to unwind the holding trust because it would then be an in-house asset. The ATO is now considering whether to change that status."Speeding Fines" Return for SMSF Trustees
The ATO may soon have enhanced powers to fine trustees of self managed super funds for contraventions of the rules relating to their funds. The trustees must pay the fines personally and (ouch!) they're for a lot more than a speeding ticket.New Law Labels Most Firms as Credit Providers
A new law defines anyone who allows their client or customer time to pay as a credit provider and then imposes on them new obligations.Sexual Harassment on the Clapham Omnibus
The Federal Court has recently held that an employee's 'workplace' includes, not just the employer's office but public places, associated offices and even public transport like the Clapham Omnibus.