BLB News

To Shred or Not to Shred - That is the Question


Losing an original document can be quite a stressful event, particularly when you have no backups. Recently however we had a client who asked, "Can I destroy my originals now that I have made a digital copy?" In a world where everything is moving to digital, how should you handle original documents?

Speeding Tickets - No Safety in Numbers for SMSF Trustees


New laws give the tax office much more flexibility when it comes to penalising super fund trustees for behaviour which is contrary to the law.

Is it Unfair to Dismiss an Employee for Gross Negligence?


The Fair Work Commission has recently held that an employee terminated for gross negligence was unfairly dismissed as the termination was disproportionate compared to the conduct.

Contracts 101 - A Brief Refresher


It never ceases to surprise lawyers when clients seek help with a problem involving contracts and even the very basics have been ignored! But what are the basics?

Challenging the Estate - 5 Case Studies Explained


Here are some simple examples of claims against an estate and some of the important factors to consider.