BLB News
The intended start date of the PPSA has now been moved from 31 October 2011 until early in 2012. But many businesses will be affected by it and should use this additional time to become familiar with the new law and how it will impact on their operations.PUT YOUR SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT IN WRITING
So you've got this great new business idea and want to use the web as an interactive tool to promote it. And after a bit of searching you've found someone to develop the software for you. But how do you get the product you want and establish such key aspects as confidentiality, ownership rights, payment and warranties?BUYING OR SELLING GOODS OR SERVICES EXCLUSIVELY!
Recently, a client gave us instructions to draft an agreement with a service provider. The agreement was to require the service provider to provide certain services exclusively for our client's benefit. The deal sounded great but is it legal?CHANGING THE GAME FOR AUSTRALIAN MANUFACTURING
The current debate about a crisis in Australian manufacturing mistakes the scoreboard for the match report.FOFA STAGE ONE UPDATE
The Government's FOFA Reform is panning out with the release of the draft of the first tranche of the proposed legislation. This article summarises the important proposals under the first tranche and some of the process design that may be undertaken to meet the proposed effective date of 1 July 2012. However, at this stage, the proposed legislation is an Exposure Draft and changes may be made as a result of consultation and the Parliamentary process.