BLB News
An Executive parked his brand new Porsche in front of the office to show it off to his colleagues.STORM CASE STUDY PUT TO THE FOFA TEST
Much has and will be written about the exposure draft legislation which races under the name of the "Corporations Amendment (Future of Financial Advice) Bill 2011", but which is known around the stables as simply 'FOFA'.KNOW YOUR LEASE TERMS WHEN SELLING YOUR RETAIL BUSINESS
Selling your retail shop business is a big decision. At long last you've found a purchaser. Time is critical and you want to avoid a dispute with the landlord about assigning the lease.LIMITED RECOURSE BORROWING: CAN YOUR CUSTODIAN GO TO COURT - AND IF SO ARE THEY COVERED?
Can a custodian sue to protect the trust's property or must it wait for a direction from the super fund?INDIVIDUAL TRUSTEES AND LUMP SUM BENEFITS
We had the following question from one of our regular supporters: Can a SMSF that has individual trustees pay both lump sum and pension benefits from unpreserved super member balances? Page 10 of the application for an ABN indicates that only corporate trustees can do so.