BLB News

When the Landlord says "Move!"


You've carefully selected the location of your business and are happily trading there when the building is sold to a developer who becomes the landlord and tells you: 'you gotta move'. Quelle consternation!

Coles Loses Plenty of Dough Through Misleading Conduct


In a recent case the Federal Court held that the use of certain phrases by Coles to sell its bread products was misleading. While parts of the case are specific about the statements and products, there were also some broad comments made by the Court about the use of language in advertising and consumers not being misled by such terms.

Don't get caught out by the 'bring forward rule'


Changes to the bring forward rule from 1 July 2014 have the potential to catch you out.

Where there's a will, there's a way - iPhones, de factos and informal wills


When discussing wills, most of us would think of those prepared by a solicitor as a result of a lengthy discussion in a legal office. This formal type of will ideally protects your estate after death by allowing you to decide how your property should be distributed when the time comes. Unfortunately, not everybody gets the chance to prepare a formal will before meeting their maker and so we must look to other sources to determine how the deceased wanted to distribute their estate.

The dangers of a double life as estate administrator and beneficiary


The recent decision of the Queensland Supreme Court in McIntosh v McIntosh highlights the dangers of wearing two hats - as estate administrator and as beneficiary of superannuation benefits.