BLB News
Tragic case drives home importance of having a Will
A tragic NSW case serves as a reminder of why it is important to have a Will and not let the Courts decide who gets your estate.Townsends can now stamp your new trust deeds
Tired of waiting weeks to get your family trust or unit trust deeds stamped by the NSW or VIC state revenue offices? Let us do it for you instead!Life's Too Serious
We are verily informed that these are some of the world's strangest laws (though don't ask for the citation)."The King is only fond of words, and cannot translate them into deeds" *
The laws of the main Eastern states of Australia prevent a 'deed' from existing electronically and therefore prevent it from being signed electronically. Those wanting to use new age signing technology need to understand its limits.Estate Planning - for the young, the not-so-young and the young-at-heart
Estate planning is for everyone - brothers, sisters, mums and dads. But your estate plan is not prepared unless you've talked to Townsends.