BLB News

Life's too Serious


It's hard running a legal practice ...

Can an SMSF trustee be replaced by a court in death benefit disputes?


This question was considered in the recent case of Ainsworth v Davern [2018]. Elizabeth Wang outlines the issues.

Would you change super funds just for a better death benefit nomination?


A death benefit nomination is as important to your super assets as your Will is to your assets outside super. So why do we accept second-best when it comes to the drafting of death benefit nominations? And should we change funds if our current fund can't provide what we want when it comes to death benefit nominations? Peter Townsend discusses.

New Financial Year: New Conveyancing Rules


Administration of SMSFs may be affected by the new national electronic conveyancing rules. Jeff Song reviews the changes.

Can making variations to your trust deed land you in hot water?


John and Isabelle are the two primary beneficiaries and appointors of a discretionary trust ("the Trust"). For various reasons, John has now decided to remove himself from these positions. Julie Hartley explains the dangers.