BLB News
A client asked us to review their Widget distribution agreement from their supplier, Widgets–R–Us (not their real name). Our review of the agreement revealed that the business proposition being offered by Widgets – R – Us was actually a franchise and therefore the agreement was subject to the Franchising Code of Conduct (the Code).POSSIBLE INCREASES TO THE MAXIMUM CLAIMS ACCEPTED BY THE FINANCIAL OMBUDSMAN SERVICE (FOS)
Recently, the FOS Board approved proposed changes to its Terms of Reference which could see an increase in the maximum accepted claim to $500,000 which a consumer can lodge with FOS against a financial service providerWAS NOW PRICING
“THIS AMAZING PRODUCT WAS $199 NOW ONLY $99! SAVE $100†We see these kinds of ads everywhere. It’s called ‘was/now’ pricing and lately there has been new case law in determining when such pricing is held to be misleading.THIS MONTHS JOKE
Did you ever wonder why there are no dead penguins on the ice in Antarctica- where do they go?FAIR WORK ACT TWILIGHT SEMINAR - 7TH JULY 2009
The Fair Work Act will change the existing workplace laws as significantly as Work Choices did only a few years ago. This seminar will focus on important aspects of the new workplace employment laws and how the changes will affect the small business sector. It will provide analysis and commentary on key aspects of the legislation and focus on strategies for avoiding problems like unfair dismissal claims.