BLB News
With the introduction of the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 (TASA) on 1 March 2010, registered tax and BAS agents should ensure they understand and comply with the Code of Professional Conduct and the ‘safe harbour’ provisions set out in the new laws.DEBT RECOVERY
Recovering money owed to you is not always easy but can be very important for the future success of your business. Although it is a serious matter we’ve devised what we hope is a light-hearted way to show you some of the issues that you face in chasing debts.SOME OF THE KEY ELEMENTS OF THE NEW NATIONAL CONSUMER CREDIT LEGISLATION
In the second half of 2009, the National Consumer Credit Protection Bill 2009 was introduced in the Federal Parliament. The main thrust is to enact the previous state-based legislation at a Federal level whilst consolidating and enhancing the current framework where necessary.