BLB News
The provisions that allow Enduring Attorneys to act as trustee or director of the corporate trustee in place of the member is an important exception to the member-trustee requirement of self managed superannuation funds ("SMSF"). The member remains a member of the fund. This opens the door to numerous planning opportunities and allow members to enjoy the benefits of having their own SMSF without the onerous trustee duties and compliance responsibilites.CAN DEEDS BE DONE DIRT CHEAP?
A recent case dealing with whether or not a document was a deed would at first glance seem of little interest to business people but in fact could have important legal and practical issues about how businesses document their dealings.UNFAIR TERMINATION OF EMPLOYEE - $9,992 COMPENSATION
In May 2011, Fair Work Australia ordered an employer pay damages to its former employee because the termination of employment by SMS was considered harsh, unreasonable and unjust under the Fair Work Act 2009.BE PREPARED FOR THE INTRODUCTION OF THE PERSONAL PROPERTY SECURITIES REGISTER IN OCTOBER 2011
The new Personal Property Securities Register ("PPSR") is due to commence operation in October 2011. All individuals, companies and financiers should be aware of its operation and its effect on charges and securities over property.FINANCIAL YEAR- END CONTRIBUTIONS & STRATEGIES
It has been reported that the Government has raised $400 million through tax penalties in excess superannuation contributions between 2006 and 2010 and this figure may rise. This Special Edition highlights the importance of timing in relation to recognition of contributions for the contribution caps as well as the potential scope to manage contributions through contribution reserving strategies. Understanding how superannuation and tax legislation works together as well as the Australian Taxation Office's ("ATO") interpretations will prevent inadvertent excessive contributions and maximise use of the contribution caps.