BLB News
Product distribution is a two-edged sword. It can benefit both parties but often one or the other is disappointed. Although a well prepared distribution agreement won't guarantee product sales, it can at least help to put you in a strong position if things go wrong.MISLEADING CONDUCT AND THE CARBON PRICE
The long arm of the law, in the form of the Competition & Consumer Act and the ACCC, has already found an important role in relation to the Commonwealth's new Carbon Price legislation.CAN TRIO OR STORM OR WESTPOINT-TYPE DISASTERS HAPPEN AGAIN?
Unfortunately 'fee for service' will not fix everything.DEALING WITH YOUR PERSONAL WISHES
A List of Wishes sets out what the testator would 'like to see happen' not what 'must happen' as stated in a Will.MAKE YOUR WISHES FOR FUTURE HEALTH CARE KNOWN
With improved medical procedures it is possible to artificially keep us alive for much longer. But is that what we want and if not does our family understand that?